How to Treat Facial Paralysis


Sometimes, there is no treatment for facial paralysis since dysfunction comes and goes instantaneously, however, so that recovery is faster and more effective we can perform a series of exercises to improve it. Facial paralysis can be due to various health problems, although the most common is the so-called Bell’s palsy; it is a facial nerve dysfunction that causes immobility of the facial muscles. The cause of it is unknown but it is related to certain virus infections and some health problems such as hypertension, diabetes or hypercholesterolemia.

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Generally, Bell’s palsy remits spontaneously and does not need treatment, but techniques can be used that stimulate nerve function or treat the possible cause of his dysfunction. We want to teach you how to treat facial paralysis with simple treatments that favor the recovery of nerves and muscles of the face.

Steps to follow:

1. The first thing you have to do if you have a facial paralysis is to go to your doctor quickly. Facial paralysis may be a minor symptom usually derived from a viral infection or it may be a sign related to a more serious disease such as a brain tumor, a cardiovascular accident or other serious conditions. The doctor must determine the cause of the paralysis and once detected, treat what has generated it.

Diagnosed the reason for the paralysis and treated its cause, the paralysis can begin to be treated as such. The doctor can tell you techniques that help improve nerve function to regain mobility, depending on the cause that caused it.

When your doctor does not provide solutions for your specific case and tells you that you should wait for it to recover on its own, you can start using a series of techniques to speed up the process.

2. Your doctor can prescribe a series of medications that can help improve and prevent the causes and symptoms of your facial paralysis. Usually, it can tell you to take the following:

  • Anti-inflammatories:the doctor can prescribe prednisone, a corticosteroid, indicated to deflate the facial nerve and improve its functioning. Especially in Bell’s palsy, nerve swelling is what causes muscle immobility. It will also help you with the pain it can produce.
  • Antivirals:If the doctor suspects that the problem may be caused by a viral infection, he may recommend antivirals. The most frequent is acyclovir, indicated to treat herpes virus and Bell’s palsy. The herpes simplex virus (the one that causes cold sores) is one of the ones that most often can cause Bell’s palsy.
  • Pain relievers: itis common for facial paralysis to cause pain. Occasionally, the doctor may prescribe pain relievers to eliminate discomfort and lead a normal life.

Remember that these drugs should be prescribed only and exclusively by a doctor once the reason for the paralysis is evaluated.

3. To treat facial paralysis you can also try to improve the functioning of your facial muscles with the help of some specific care, home remedies and certain foods. Here is a list of what can help you:

Take care of your eyes

The eyes of patients with Bell’s palsy and other types of facial paralysis usually suffer from itching, dryness and irritation. This is because, on many occasions, the eye cannot close completely. It is important to take care of them so that they are not filled with foreign particles or bacteria.

Heat for pain

You can apply moist heat to the affected area to improve blood circulation and relieve pain.

Vitamins for the immune system

Occasionally, some paralysis may be caused by diseases that damage the immune system or by viruses that are primed in weakened organisms. Nerve damage is the reason for facial paralysis, among other things. If we improve our immune system, we will improve and stimulate the functioning of our nervous system. For this we can incorporate into our diet foods that provide vitamins and minerals of the B12, B6 and zinc group.

Foods group B12

  • Liver
  • Seafood
  • Meat
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Cereals

Group B6 foods

  • Avocado
  • Banana
  • Meat
  • Walnuts

Zinc foods

  • Pork
  • Lamb
  • Chicken

Herbs to improve the immune system

You can try some herbal infusions that strengthen the immune system, such as:

  • Echinacea
  • Goldenseal

These are two examples. Consult your trusted herbalist about your problem and the plant that suits you best.


Cayenne pepper increases peripheral blood circulation, especially in the nerves of the face and head. This causes the affected nerve to improve its normal functioning. There are pills with capsicum in health food stores or herbalists. If you suffer from hypertension you should consult your doctor as they can increase blood pressure.

4. You should know that, at present, there are also some alternative treatments that may be useful for treating facial paralysis. Anyway, before starting to practice any of them in a How we recommend that you consult with your doctor to tell you if it is or is not suitable for your situation.


It is a technique that is used to control the physiological functions of the human body. Biofeedback allows the individual to be aware of biological functions that he does not perceive in normal conditions, such as blood pressure or heart rate. One of the purposes of this technique is to understand and control your body, so it can help in the recovery of lost muscle function.


Training your facial muscles to recover your mobility can speed up your recovery. There are physiotherapists specialized in facial paralysis, consult your doctor.

Facial massages

Massaging the face improves blood circulation, which can help you in some cases of paralysis. It is recommended that you go to a professional and explain your case, but if you decide to practice it yourself with the help of a family member, first inform yourself of the movements and pressure that you must apply so as not to worsen the picture.


Acupuncture can be a great alternative for facial paralysis. This technique stimulates muscles and nerves and can relieve pain. Choose an experienced and accredited professional.

Electrical stimulation

It can be a very effective technique but you should consult a doctor before undergoing it. The doctor will determine if it is suitable for your type of paralysis. It must be done by a specialized doctor.


  • Stress can cause Bell’s palsy. Remember to rest enough hours and take your life more calmly
  • You can practice relaxation techniques to prevent or minimize the effects of Bell’s palsy
  • Practicing exercise and good nutrition can prevent Bell’s palsy, among many other things.